Committee Representatives

In order to enhance effectiveness in its roles, KKU-SUA has representatives in issues related to integrity from colleges/schools/directorates/departments/the students’ community.

On the side of the students’ community, there are two representatives a male and a female whose appointment is done in collaboration with the office of the Dean of Students.

Upon completion of their studies, other representatives should be appointed.

Responsibilities of the Representatives

  1. To serve as a bridge between the SUA Integrity Committee (SUA-KKU) and staff at college/schools/directorates/departments and students on integrity issues
  2. To communicate with staff and students community on integrity issues.
  3. To receive complaints on violation of integrity including corruption from staff and students community
  4. To submit reports on integrity and violation of integrity to the SUA Integrity Committee (KKU)
  5. To identify and advise KKU-SUA on issues related to integrity
  6. To provide feedback to the staff and students community from the meetings or communication between KKU-SUA and the representatives
  7. To participate actively and holistically in the fight against corruption and integrity as a whole while various academic ad supporting activities are implemented at the university.
  8. To inform the SUA Integrity Committee about any complaints related to violation of principles of integrity and good governance from various sources including social media, Television, Radio and print media