At Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), the Integrity Committee was established in October 2018. The committee’s responsibilities include;
- To prepare action and implementation plan against corruption
- Prepare an implementation, monitoring, and evaluation report for every quarter (three months) of the year and submit this report to the Management and Supervision Committee (Chaired by the Vice Chancellor).
- To receive, analyze and address complaints related to violations of integrity from within and outside SUA. The committee is required to address the complaints within seven working days unless more time is required as appropriate.
- Organize and participate in training SUA stakeholders on issues related to integrity, good governance, and the fight against corruption.
- To make sure that codes of ethics and conduct are well understood by public servants at SUA
- To ensure that basic training on ethics for public servants is offered for new employees at SUA.
- To advise SUA Management to oversee and implement the existing laws, by-laws, and guidelines.